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Access a specific asset by its decentralized identifier.


const accessUrl = await nautilus.access({ 
    assetDid: 'did:op:1234abcd...'
// fetch the actual data
const data = await fetch(accessUrl)



A one-time accessible url to download the raw data of the requested asset.



  • Type: AccessConfig

The configuration object for the access request.


  • Type: string

The decentralized identifier of the asset to access.

const accessUrl = await nautilus.access({
    assetDid: 'did:op:1234abcd...'
serviceId (optional)
  • Type: string

Optionally specify a service to access. Defaults to the first service of the asset's metadata.

const accessUrl = await nautilus.access({ 
    assetDid: 'did:op:1234abcd...', 
    serviceId: 'specific-service-id'
fileIndex (optional)
  • Type: number

Optionally specify a file of the service to access. Defaults to the first file of the service (0).

const accessUrl = await nautilus.access({ 
    assetDid: 'did:op:1234abcd...', 
    fileIndex: 0
userdata (optional)

If the asset requires or allows for custom user parameters, these can be configured here.

Learn more about how to use custom userdata with assets in our Consumer Parameters Guide.

const accessUrl = await nautilus.access({ 
    assetDid: 'did:op:1234abcd...', 
    userdata: { 
        parameter: 'value', 
        number: 123, 