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Access data, applications and other services

Downloading data is one of the most straightforward use-cases in a data economy. This requires an access request to be made to the controlling provider and usually also includes paying for the requested data service.


To access assets or more specifically their respective services, we can again make use of a dedicated function provided by the nautilus interface. In the most basic version, nothing else than the did of the asset to be accessed is needed. You can find more detailed information at the nautilus.access() docs.

import { Nautilus } from '@deltadao/nautilus'
import { providers, Wallet } from 'ethers'
const provider = new providers.JsonRpcProvider('')
const signer = new Wallet('0x...', provider)
// create the nautilus instance
const nautilus = await Nautilus.create(signer)
const accessUrl = await nautilus.access({ 
  assetDid: 'did:op:123abc'

Now, if payments and access rules have been processed successfull, the controlling provider of the data to be accessed will generate a one-time url that we can use to request the data itself:

const data = await fetch(accessUrl) 

Deep Dive

You can find an extended overview of the access API, by heading over to the following links: